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Katie opened her gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Henn last week. We had been hoping to celebrate in person, but the weather was so terrible, travel from Indy to Chicago would have been beyond difficult. So we just had to pretend that they were here.

Had to take the pictures while she wore her jammies!

The tub xylophone was a BIG hit. We've been playing with it at bathtime every night. It turns out that the mallets also make a great noise when banged against the tub.

Katie loved carrying around the wrapping paper in our takeout bag after the presents were all opened.

After 10 to 100 laps around the room with the bag of wrapping paper...
Bye Bye!
I feel your pain about the lack of comments! Sometimes I introduce controversial topics, just so I know someone's reading!!!
Glad ya'll had some great Christmas fun at home!
Haha, I knew you'd understand, Juliet! :)
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