1. She's fond of sleeping on her tummy, with her bottom sticking up in the air. This is supremely cute.
2. She eats cheerios and lots of other solid food in her high chair. She's about the least picky eater ever. She loves when Dad feeds her hummus. She eats whatever we happen to be eating. She is very cute while doing this.
3. When we want to pick her up from her high chair, we remove the tray and she starts wriggling and kicking and squealing and puts her arms up to get picked up because she is SO EXCITED to be getting out of her high chair. This, as you can imagine, is cute.
4. She drinks from a sippy cup like a champ. You can guess about the cuteness of this maneuver.
5. She loves to play with her box full of blocks and pulls herself up to standing on it, reaching in to remove the blocks, one at a time, and plopping back down to sit and play with them. And to try to eat a few. And to bang them together. Loudly. Also, cutely.
6. When you open up the door to the outside, she squeals and fastcrawlsrightover to go out the door. Cute times 1000
7. She is now cruising around the furniture. She loves to dive from her chair into a basket of laundry, into Dad's arms, onto the dog, etc. She is fearless. And adorable.
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