Sunday, July 19, 2009

July activities- puddles, water table and a visit from the Shultz cousins!

We're having a good time this summer, despite the cooler weather. Katie has tried out her puddle stomping skills.

She has discovered she is an excellent chef, especially when she can wear the chef's hat and apron.
And MOST especially when she can sample what she's helping to stir (here, she's helping Dad make some pancakes).

We were so happy to see the entire Shultz family as they stopped in Chicago for the night on their way to adventures in Minnesota, all the way from Connecticut. Katie loved playing with her cousins, and is still talking about them.
With Cousin Abby.

With Cousins Anna, Abby and Jack. Katie didn't want them to leave!

We have a brand new water table, which Katie is having fun using. She doesn't care if it's only 60-something degrees outside. She'll stay out there until we force her to come inside!

Sheffield Garden walk party

We walked down to a block party and garden walk not far from where we live, and discovered that there was an entire block dedicated to kids' activities! We had so much fun wandering through the street, and trying new things. Katie got to go on her first pony ride, which she LOVED. And then she went for a ride on the pig train, all by herself. She was so proud of herself, and followed our instructions to hold on tight. Pretty soon she was even waving. Getting off of the pig train was a VERY sad thing to do. She cried and loudly proclaimed "I WANT A PONY!" all the way home. Katie leads a difficult life.

You can see the lovely tattoo Katie got on her left hand in this picture. She was very patient as it dried. We counted to 20 with her. Katie also helped and counted herself: "one, two, three, six, nine, two, cinco, quattro..."

Right here, Katie is yelling "Mas!" "Faster!" and pushing on the bar to try to get the train moving faster.

We ran into SJ's cousin, Peter and his wife Kim and their son Grady, so Katie met her second cousin for the first time. They just moved to Chicago from New York - we're so happy they're here in Chicago now and look forward to seeing them again soon.
Katie made a flower out of felt and a pipe cleaner. She insisted on wearing it around her wrist.

Waving to the paparazzi on the pony ride.

You guessed it. "MAS! FASTER!"

Pony rides are the best things ever, as you can see.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

June fun

Katie got to meet up with Grandma Henn and Great Grandma Melvin (a/k/a Tutu) a couple of weeks ago, when we met at a touristy dairy halfway between Indianapolis and Chicago. It was great to see them both, and Katie enjoyed reading to everyone and engaging in general cuteness. I'm also posting some other fun pictures from the last few weeks.

And some kitchen pictures!

Cooking with Mom. You can even see that my belly has popped. I'm already almost 27 weeks along and feeling great!

Cooking with Dad. Her huge smile is her latest fun thing she does when she sees a camera. She likes to smile as big as she can and yell "CHEESE!" She also loves to ride in her stroller, holding a cellphone up and yelling "HI!!!" and then "CHEESE" at passerby, like she's taking photos of them. Our little shrinking violet. We don't know where she gets it.

Eating her very own ice cream cone (David cut off the bottom of a cone and put sherbet in it. She was THRILLED when she realized that the cone itself was edible). Katie's favorite thing in the world right now (besides Dad) is "IIIIICE CEAAM!!"

Cooking up her own concoction on the couch - using homemade Play-Doh and her cooking implements. In other news, she can now climb onto and and all of the furniture. Which makes life even more exciting at the Penna house!